sorry been on the road
So now its down to about a week. I still don’t know when exactly, but its sometime within the next 10 days. A couple of things have happened since my last entry.
Minor thing. I even toped the 133 kmh and threw 135…84 mph. something has to be wrong with that thing.
Other things… Amy was here for a visit. It was good to see someone from outside again after such a long time. Well my family doesn’t really count.
It was good and I hope Amy also had fun. We toured all of Seoul within a weekend, so that was cool, I finally also got to catch up with all the traditional things of korea, which I had seen before, but it had been 5 years and I didn’t go this time before last weekend. Then during the week I went on a road trip with my sis and my mom, which was fun, cause we pretty much went around korea in 3 days. From Seoul to the most northern part of south korea at the North Korean border. Then down the east coast to Daegu and further to Busan. Busan seems like it’s a cool area for partying and it had a very nice beach promenade. On the way we saw some palaces and caves. So it was really good to finally see more of korea then just Seoul. I might have been to those places before but none that I can remember. So I finally got something to remember.
And then most important of all. It was a farewell this Saturday. One of the guys I hung out the most here in Seoul went back to Germany, but it was not just saying goodbye, because actually I ll probably see him again soon in Germany. It was also saying goodbye to a lot of other people as I don’t think I ll really do a farewell anymore.
So its finally going back home. Wow this past year went by so fast, yet it seems like a lifetime that I was in Germany for real, I mean without those short stopovers. It will be back to that before long, finally back to university and writing those thesis. Back to work, to less sleeping. Back to working out and playing baseball, pushing my body to the limits. Riding the highway like it was nothing.
Anyways, not there yet…its still time to say goodbye. Goodbye for the 4th time. Goodbye to everyone. I don’t know if you have experienced it before. I m sure some of you have, but it seems so cruel. Just when you start growing close to people they are ripped out of your life again. People that you care about you might never see again in your whole life. You wonder how they are, or what they do, but they seem so far away and all those times you just hit the road again and never look back. Well you do, but you cant really.
I will miss Korea, like I miss Indonesia, Germany and of course Canada. At least in a certain way. Like I ve explained, probably I couldn’t live in Indonesia, Korea and Germany for a long time, maybe not even in Canada, but it was still good and every country has its pros and cons.
I wanna go back to the farewell party though. I saw his face when he sang that last song at karaoke, how he doesn’t want to leave, how it seems like his heart is being torn apart. I ve been there before. I think people cant really understand until they actually are in that situation. How hard it is to let go. Let go of things that you cherish so much, that mean so much, but there is nothing you can do.
Anyways, lately I haven’t really been able to express my feelings properly in my blog. I don’t know why. Maybe its just too much coming up in my head. Too many thoughts in too short a time. Too many memories that jump up.
Sometimes I really get confused where I am right now and who is there and what am I doing, its just all been so fast and I haven’t really been able to take it all in. I think in a month or two I will know and maybe I will understand and then I will let you know.
For now I will say goodbye to Korea, goodbye to you my friends…Farewell to a world that I got to know……
Btw… I ll upload a vid about my time in korea on youtube soon, so I ll let you know about the link here, once its done.
For those that already want to see some of my vids from past experiences check “wingert8” its actually my friends user account, but he lets me upload my vids…hihi